Various methods which ensure the test results reliability or cheating prevention techniques
1. Video & audio proctoring
2. Prohibition of screenshooting
3. Changing the place of the correct answer
4. Reordering tasks in the same difficulty category
5. Recording or capturing candidates while being tested
6. Warning for leaving the current page


Video & audio proctoring
While candidates are being tested it is possible to supervise them live in the system during the entire process, without any restriction. Of course, the candidates must have a device with video camera (laptop, smart phone, tablet). That device will be used for supervising as well as for taking the tests. During the testing, it is possible to warn candidates of their unallowed actions, either by voice or text messages, without being heard by other candidates, or without interfering with the testing of others.

Prohibition of screenshoting
During the psychological assessment in the system, it is forbidden to screenshot that specific tab. This way we ensure that our tests are not shared illegally and that no one can “snap” their screen and send to someone with purpose of asking for help.

Changing the order of the tasks
While solving the cognitive tests, the order of the tasks changes – so that no one can memorize the correct answers. Especially if the candidate for some reason resolves the test for the second time.

Recording or capturing candidates while being tested
Candidates can be tested no matter where they are, and the ability to record and photograph candidates can secure you from potential frauds. A candidate needs a webcam or a suitable device (laptop, smart phone or tablet). Recording or photographing candidates during testing is an option preselected by the employer and approved by the candidate in accordance with GDPR. A large number of employers choose to trust their candidates because only 2-3% of the candidates solve the tests with the help of third parties.

Warning for leaving the current page
If the candidate leaves the current page, or changes the tab while solving the test, the system automatically shows him a warning. All the warnings are recorded and can be checked out for each candidate. In this way, candidates cannot use a calculator, for example, without being noticed by the administrator.